Module riaknostic

The riaknostic module is the entry point for the escript.


The riaknostic module is the entry point for the escript. It is responsible for parsing command-line arguments and switches, printing the available checks, listing the help text, or running all or the specified checks, depending on the command line.

The getopt application and module is used for command-line parsing. The defined switches and arguments are:

$ ./riaknostic --etc etc --base base --user user [-d level] [-l] [-h] [check_name...]
--etc etcthe location of the Riak configuration directory (set automatically by riak-admin)
--base basethe base directory of Riak, aka RUNNER_BASE_DIR (set automatically by riak-admin)
--user userthe user that Riak runs as (set automatically by riak-admin)
-d, --level level  the severity of messages you want to see, defaulting to 'notice'. Equivalent to syslog/lager severity levels.
-l, --listlists available checks, that is, modules that implement riaknostic_check. A "short name" will be given for ease-of-use.
-h, --help - print command usage ("help")
check_namewhen given, a specific check or list of checks to run

Function Index

main/1The main entry point for the riaknostic escript.

Function Details


main(CommandLineArguments::[string()]) -> any()

The main entry point for the riaknostic escript.

Generated by EDoc, Feb 18 2012, 03:37:56.